Fairy Forest

Fairy-tale forest.  Creepy rough hike

It’s a trickster location that tries to trip up travelers and get them lost, but if the fairies are pushed, they reveal their vampiric powers!

Points of Interest:

  • Moon Transfer Point cave
    • Built by the Dragons for transportation to and from the Moon
    • Entrance was hidden by roots growing down from a tree above the entrance, but the roots were cleared away.
    • Red stone pyramid inside a cave. The pyramid exploded and burned, causing a teleportation accident that makes the inside of the cave glitchy, spiky, and dangerous.
    • Vampire Fairies set up camp to figure out the Moon Transfer Point, but abandoned it after the explosion.
  • River
    • flows west to east through the forest
    • The skull of Zweiharn the Dragon is mounted over the river, with a sign that says “SO MUCH FOR THE POWER OF DRAGONS” (Zweiharn was killed long ago by a Vampire Fairy and a Mermaid)
    • A waterfall from a tributary hides a portal to the realm of the Wild Unicorns.
      • Fairies can’t through the waterfall without being knocked down by the force of the water
      • The portal is closed


  • Maze: Anyone traveling off the path gets lost.

Response Level: 3

  1. Sheriff. A Organization threat arrives. Seeker the Formless teleported away.
  2. Guardian. A Titan threat arrives. Kitty the T-Rex left with Buckle & Stella.
  3. Show of Force. The Boss gets 1 Hard Cut. Spent.

Location Bonds

  1. Buckle destroyed the Moon Transfer Point

Minimum Response Level: 1


  • Vampire Fairy Marigold. she/her.  Her skin is orange, fading to yellow at her extremities.
  • Agenda:  Isolationist
  • hates Buckle and Stella for destroying the Moon Transfer Point
    • Vampire: These refined undead have more self control than most, but at the end of the day, they still just want to kill you and eat you. (book 4, page 287)
      • Threat to the World
      • Blood Frenzy
      • Dangerously Sexy


  • Group of Fairies retreating and seeking reinforcements against Dryden, Averiela, Lucia, Edna, and the Wild Unicorns
    • Group of Lemurs (book 4, page 187)
      • Group
      • Arboreal
      • Tricksters
  • Fairies transformed into their secret Vampiric forms look like large bats.
    • Vampire: These refined undead have more self control than most, but at the end of the day, they still just want to kill you and eat you. (book 4, page 287)
      • Blood Frenzy
      • Dangerously Sexy

Independent Forces:

These forces do not serve the Boss of this Location.

  • Wild Unicorns: came to investigate the Fellowship and led them back to their realm.
    • Group of Unicorns (book 4, page 179)
      • Group
      • Infinite Compassion
      • Holy Horn
  • Kitty the T-Rex, left the forest headed for her home of Cracktooth Wastes
    • Tyrannosaur (book 3, page 180)
      • Crushing Jaws
      • Gigantic
  • Seeker the Formless, wandering in the Swarming HIlls, trying to find out who it is.
