Dead Forest

Dead Forest

Mystical, Unnatural, Forested marsh (dead trees in shallow water) Dangerous, Peaceful, rough hike

Dead trees in shallow water (ankle-deep to knee-deep in most places, with a few unexpected deep spots)  A dark, icky moss covers the bare branches of the dead trees. The leader of the Vampires rules here from his castle, and the bad influence of all that evil has killed the surrounding forest.

Points of Interest:

  • Von Till’s Castle
    • Von Till lives here
    • Surrounded by an invisible moat of quicksand. (Water covers the ground, so hard to see where the ground disappears)
  • Border with Ancient Willow
    • A stand-off, with empty  “no-man’s land” in the middle
    • The Willow’s Forces attack anything entering the Willow’s branches
    • Corruption Fields hug the edge of the Dead Forest.


  • Dangerous: Everything here is out to kill you

Response Level: 0

  1. response moves go here

Minimum response level: 0

Location bonds

  • Bonds go here


  • Baron Van Till. he/him. Human vampire. Sulking in hatred for so long that even  other vampires want to avoid him. Everything is rotting and ruined around him.
  • Agenda: Tyrant, Maintain your rule.
    • Vampire Lord: A powerful aristocrat who drinks the blood of the weak. The Vampire Lord is Melee, Piercing, and they heal when damaging a Blood stat. Sunlight and holy symbols deal damage to them

      • Blood Frenzy: Your weakness is their power. If your Blood is damaged, you are in Despair when dealing with the vampire lord.

      • Lord of the Night: Beasts and monsters will do as a vampire lord tells them to. Beast and Scourge threats cannot harm the vampire lord, and they will follow the vampire lord’s orders to the letter. The vampire lord can drink the blood of any Beast to heal. This kills the Beast.

      • Sunburns: When the vampire lord takes damage from sunlight or holy symbols, they are filled with Despair and they must try to flee the scene.


  • Larry & Laurent. Both he/him, Humans. Trying hard to bring the energy of dance into this dreary place. Happy to see guests, but they expect that Van Till will eventually order them to kill those guests.
    • Twin Dancers: These two move in perfect harmony, and fight with synchronized movements and devastating combo attacks.
      • Duet: While this stat is undamaged, the Dancers are inseparable, they have the Piercing tag, and rolls to Finish Them are made with Despair. When the Dancers take damage, damage this stat before damaging any others. When this stat becomes damaged, separate them – they are now in two places at once. Whenever they separate, damage this stat. When the Dancers meet back up again, they heal this stat.

      • En Point: This Dancer cannot be escaped. When you Get Away from them, they may separate from the duet to come with you. If they are not in duet, they can use this ability freely.

      • En Passant: This Dancer cannot be stalled. When someone Keeps Them Busy, they may separate from the duet to go do whatever they want anyway. If they are not in duet, they can use this ability free

  • Zombie Dragon: A long dead dragon that refuses to fully die.

    • Necrofire: The zombie dragon is Melee, Necrotic, and Ranged.

    • Undying: When this stat is damaged, the zombie dragon becomes inert and cannot do anything. When the scene ends, heal all of the zombie dragon’s damaged stats. The dragon can only be destroyed if this stat is removed, or if the proper ritual is performed upon its inert body.

    Corruption: A spreading blight. This is an environmental threat that slowly grows, and it is a visual representation of the Overlord’s influence.

    • Corrosive Field: Anything that enters the Corruption that isn’t part of The Scourge must pay a price.

    • Long Term Problem: The spread of Corruption can be held off by containing or damaging it, perhaps with fire or thick barricades of sand or stone, but it cannot be stopped permanently without stopping The Boss.

    Blighted: An ordinary creature that has spent too long within the Corruption becomes Blighted. They are tainted and wrong now, and seek to spread their blight.

    Replace one of their stats with Corrosive Touch:

    • Corrosive Touch: Anything trying to touch a Blighted must pay a price.


  • Ancient Willow, north-west
  • Anti-Moon Weapon, east
  • Fairy Forest, north
  • Edge of the map – new Locations can be added around this Location