City Junkyard

Endless Dungeon. Industrial, plains, wasteland. Hostile, rough hike

The City Junkyard

Chunks of different lost cities and towns are piled up here. Windows open into alleyways, or walls and doors may be in the floor or ceiling. An un-noticed side-effect of testing the Moon Transfer Point.

Points of Interest:

  • Underground cavern. The pile of buildings extend underground. Unstable and dangerous.
  • Coral Fortress. Built by Mermaids. It’s not open at the top like terrestrial fortresses. The walls cover all directions. Small portholes allow access for human-sized creatures
    • Big hole drilled by a Dwarven Drill Tank
    • sumbeams shining in through portholes in the roof are secretly Sola’s Embrace
    • makeshift table for someone very large, with wilted vegatables stacked on it.
  • Yuri’s apartment. An unremarkable apartment from Moscow in our world. Suddenly teleported here, throwing Yuri into this world. One wall is missing.
  • Swamp
    • A rough road made of woven seaweed leads to Cloudhold.
    • Dwarven Tunneling Equipment is lost somewhere in the swamp.


  • Legendary. No one believed this place existed.

Response Level: 1

  1. Wild Animal: a Beast tries to eat someone. Memory Mosquito killed.

Minimum Response Level: 1

Location Bonds

  1. Vestri freed Heinrich from the Coral Fortress


  • Heinrich, he/him A big cheery guy, like the Ghost Of Christmas Present. He’s free of the Coral Fortress and left the Location.
    • Agenda: Gracious host: throw a party for your guests
    • Giant: These warriors are 3 or 4 times as tall as the average elf or human. Giants are the most social of all Titans, and they will occasionally work together when the need is great enough. (Book 4, page 294)
      • Crushing Blow: Anyone damaged by a giant takes two damage.
      • Proper Weapons: A Giant wields well-crafted weaponry that suits their style. Their attacks have either the Area, Ranged, or Piercing tag, choose one.
      • Like Flies: Anyone who fails a roll or pays a price while on top of a Giant is swatted off, in addition to the usual consequences


  • Nightmaw: Shadow creatures that lurk in darkness to eat the living.
    • Nightmaw (book 4, page 282)
      • Shadows
      • Hunger
  • Ghouls: mindless undead trained by Heinrich to scour the City Junkyard for food that he can eat. Still fulfilling their mission after he’s gone, but will try to eat anyone who interferes.
    • Ghoul (book 4, page 285)
      • Hungry
      • Tough as Nails
  • Sunbeams: look cozy, but are actually dangerous
    • Sola’s Embrace (book 2, page 192)
      • Honeypot

Session reports

  1. Chasing The Sunset & Anti Anti Moon Weapon Strike Team
  2. Chasing The Sunset & hostile architecture
  3. Chasing The Sunset & Hidden Things
  4. Chasing the Sunset & Infinite Windows
  5. Chasing the Sunset & Letting Go
  6. Chasing the Sunset & the overgrown trail


  • Cloudhold, east
  • Fairy Forest, south
  • Ravine Maze, north
  • Swarming Hills, west