

wasteland mountain. difficult climb.

Sunpeak, the tallest mountain in the world, was a sacred place to the Dragons. During the Vampires’ brief and decisive war against the Dragons, Sunpeak became a battlefield, and the negative energy of that destruction still clings to the volcanic rocks. It pierces through the clouds, but these are normal clouds, unlike the constant dark clouds around Cloudhold. It’s a war-torn volcano. Smashed equipment. Loose boulders. Many vents from which lava may flow.

Points of Interest:

  • a place
    • details
    • characters
    • pictures if you have them
    • another place
      • and so on


  • Inferno: requires heat protection

Response Level: 2

  1. Dark secret: location gains another stat: Magnetic. There is magnetized metal everywhere

  2. Bad weather: Pumice dust carried by strong winds scours everything

Minimum response level: 2

Location bonds

  • Bonds go here


  • Name, pronouns, personality
  • Agenda:
    • threat (book #, page ###)
      • stat
      • stat


  • Name, pronouns, personality
    • threat (book #, page ###)
      • stat
      • stat


  • south, Lazy-I Ranch
  • east, Ice Wastes