Chasing the Sunset: Library Invasion – Western Front

Chasing the Sunset is a West Marches-style exploration game using Fellowship 2nd Edition‘s Horizon rules.

The fellowship: Dryden of Conwall the Collector/Hunter, Averiela the Elf/Elven Elite, Edna Crusher-Harcourt the Ogre/Knight, Markus the Squire

Last time, the Fellowship reached the Hidden Library and subverted yet another plot against it. Now they must defend the library against mercenaries marching from the Anti-Moon Weapon to the west.

GM note: When the Fellowship made a move, I filled in a section of a clock. There were clocks for loading and aiming the Anti-Library Weapon, and an overall clock for the armies reaching the Hidden Library. Whatever enemies are still alive when that clock runs out escape the Fellowship and will fight the party that defends the library itself. Keeping the enemy busy does not advance the clock, and Taking Out an enemy moves the clock backwards.

At sunset on the fated day, the Fellowship flies west from the Hidden Library towards the Anti-Library Weapon (formerly the Anti-Moon Weapon). Lady Evelynn’s Estate is just to the south. From their vantage point, they see several powerful mercenaries advancing on the Hidden Library, surrounded by escorts

  • Thayer, A humanoid bird that stands upright and resembles a large gull. His Uplifting Command allows the group of human warriors around him to fly.
  • Cassandra, a magical Shadow Weaver. She is blind and uses curses and illusions. She leads a group of Unicorns, usually peaceful creatures.
  • Sparky, an Ogre Champion. His artificial left arm has knives instead of fingers. Dwarven Gunners escort him.

There’s also activity on the Anti-Library Weapon. It’s pointed roughly east, despite Averiela sending false co-ordinates to aim it south. Beasts of burden are moving the giant machinery that used to be motorized.

Dryden: I don’t know if we have a tactical strategy for this.

Edna: If you wnat to get down there, I can throw you at one of these guys and jump after you.

Markus: I don’t want to leave the ship. There’s not much people on the ground can do to us.

The Luna Penumbra engages the other flying force first.

Averiela has an Elven Hunters’ Bow, and so does Markus. Fortunately he’s friends with the Elves. Elf-Made items shock unworthy people who touch them. Dryden and Edna act impulsively!

Edna throws Dryden into the Group of Warriors. Dryden spins around with his Dwarven hammer! He crashes through and disperses the group of Warriors, then activates his Flying Device as he falls.  One warrior goes after Dryden and the other defends Thayer.

Averiela: I think we’re at the point where we’re out for blood.

Edna: I don’t know. They seem pretty wimpy.

Markus pins down the Warrior near Thayer with a hail of arrows. Averiela uses her Elf-Sight to line up the perfect shot and kill the Warrior. Thayer dives towards his final Warrior, who is following Dryden.

Dryden flies recklessly and insults Thayer’s flying, luring them toward the Luna Penumbra. Dryden zooms up past the deck where Edna is waiting. She snatches the Warrior’s spear out of his hand as he passes. The Warrior realizes he is out of his league and flees. Thayer does not want to be next to an enemy warship without his escorts, so he retreats towards Cassandra.

Dryden returns to the Luna Penumbra. The Fellowship can pick its next target. Averiela tries to use her Elven camouflage to hide the Luna Penumbra, but it’s too big.  The Luna Penumbra flies west toward the Anti-Library Weapon, moving south to follow the river, which will keep ground forces even further from the flying ship.

Thayer reaches Cassandra’s group and all her unicorns hovering. Thayer turns and leads the unicorn back towards the Luna Penumbra.  Ol’ Jardiner uses the chip’s cannons to fire on the aiming mechanism of the Anti-Library Weapon but misses. The hull shakes from the impact of a dozen unicorn horns.

Dryden: Unicorns, you’re on the wrong side! Remember your values. Remember your friends!

Averiela: Remember who you are!

The unicorns do not respond.

Markus fires a harpoon and snags Thayer! He flaps desperately but can’t the chain keeps him close.  Will the pilot maneuvers the ship to avoid the unicorns and give Ol’ Jardiner another shot. It gets really dark around the Anti-Library Weapon, darker than it should be at sunset. Edna pulls the harpoon’s chain hand over hand to bring Thayer on board. As she removes the harpoon Thayer is able to break free.

The Fellowship watches him fly away and sees a purple glow down below. There’s something on the ground that was hidden by terrain until Will brought the ship around. Markus is eager to see new things on his first adventure, and he sees something awesome and terrible. It’s an Undead Dragon! A skeleton with no skull. Transparent ectoplasm fills out the shape of a headless dragon with no wings.  Purple flame spills from its neck like the pilot light on a very large flamethrower. There’s also a person walking alongside, so maybe this terrifying mosnter can be controlled.

Averiela pushes Ol’ Jardiner out of the gunner seat. She uses her Elf Sight to see through the supernatural darkness around the Anti-Library Weapon. She delegates command of the Luna Penumbra to Dryden. He’s giddy with power and starts shouting orders! Averiela blasts the Mummies who adjust the elevation of the Anti-Library Weapon. Only a few survive.

Sparky and his Dwarven Gunners are hustling south to engage the Luna Penumbra. Baess, the mad scientist in command of the Anti-Moon Weapon, climbs onto the roof of the control center on the mountain’s summit and starts assembling a device. Dryden orders the ship to rush Baess, which brings the ship in range of her Gravity Projector! The ship starts sinking, and Edna can’t leap onto her. Dryden orders full power to the engines to shoot past and get out of range of the Gravity Projector. It works, but they fly over the Undead Dragon, which unleashes a gout of Necrofire from the end of its neck.The Luna Penumbra banks and dives to avoid the Necrofire and get closer to the Undead Dragon.

Dryden: This is awesome. Let’s take out the guy that’s controlling the Dragon, and we can attack them with the Dragon!

With a loud “clunk” machinery in the Anti-Library Weapon locks into place and the two surviving Mummies run down the barrel into the mountain. The Anti-Library Weapon is aimed!

Edna: We’re supposed to get that guy, right?

Edna leaps off the ship and elbow drops the figure from a thousand feet! Tatsel the vampire isn’t killed, but he’s mussed up and is no longer dangerously sexy. Twenty stealthy Sahdows (humanoid agents of a Vampire) pop out of the tall grass and attack Edna with big knifes, which is more an annoyance than a threat. The Undead Dragon turning towards her is definitely a threat!

Dryden uses his Elvish water vial, which takes any shape that he commands it. He hurls it down as a spear so that Averiela, who moves so gracefully that she can walk on drops of rain, can use it to descend quickly to the ground. As she leaps and skips down, she pulls out the titanium sword she looted from some robots long age. She suddenly appears among the Shadows, titanium sword flashing. She’s out-doing them at their own special move!

GM note: Averiela rolled 11 to Finish Them which should have Taken Out the group of Shadows, but instead I just damaged one of their stats. Oops.

Edna patiently waits for the Undead Dragon to make its movie.  It rears up to blast her with Necrofire and she slides under it, pummeling its ribcage with her mighty fists. She respects this foe, so she fights with lethal intent. The Undead Dragon collapses on to top her and the ectoplam that was filling out the form of the dragon loses its shape and flows out, a tide of disgusting goo.

Tatsel, a coward, moves in to stab Edna while she’s trapped under the Undead Dragon. Averiela sprints in and gets her blade under Tatsel’s. She blocked his first strike and he doesn’t come back for a second. He retreats, surrounded by his Shadows. Edna pulls herself out from under the the skeleton. Averiela is annoyed that she got some ectoplasm on her knees when she slid in.

Sparky and his Dwarven Gunners approach the Luna Penumbra. Dryden orders the ship to make them chase, hoping to tire them out. He doesn’t trust their endurance training, but he should respect their gunnery. They fire as soon as they are in range, damaging the ship’s armor! Will pilots the ship away from the Gunners and circles around to pick up his allies on the ground. Dryden waves and Edna waves back.

Edna: Averiela, can I carry you and jump back to the ship?

Averiela: Yes please. Can I wipe off my shins on your sturdy apron?

The goop on Averiela’s shins slides off. All the ectoplasm is returning to its former shape as the undying Undead Dragon gets up again!

Edna: This is a good fight!

Edna wields her metal-shod walking stick, which she only uses on special occasions. Most foes are easy enough to defeat bare-handed. She steps back so Averiela is closest to the Undead Dragon.

Markus: Use the goop to control the Dragon. I read it in a story! I believe!

Dryden puts Markus in an escape pod and presses the button.

Averiela readies her titanium sword to face the Undead Dragon. It approaches and swings a huge skeletal claw at her. Edna reaches over her, grabs the claw and yanks it, making the Undead Dragon fall over. As it rolls on the grass, hidden Shadows scream. Only two of them stand up. Markus runs out of the escape pod, sword drawn, but instead of striking the vulnerable Undead Dragon, he uses his sword to scoop out some ectoplam so he can try to control it. It doesn’t work.

Markus: Who are you going to attack first?

Dryden: Kill the Vampire!

Edna points her walking stick at the Undead Dragon. Markus run ahead of her to distract it so his allies can focus on Tetsel. He leaves himself open (it’s his first time fights a dragon) so Edna rushes in to block a claw that would have sent him flying. The two Shadows stab Markus and Averiela.

Dryden uses the ship’s sensors to track down Tetsel. He’s keeping his distance, but looking for an opportunity to attack someone who is isolated or in a bad spot.

Edna grabs the Shadow that stabbed Markus and throws it at the Undead Dragon. The Shadow lands safely, but scrambles away from his fearsome ally, not wanting to get covered in ectoplasm. The Undead Dragon blasts Edna with Necrofire, dealing Necrotic damage. Most people would collapse or panic, but Edna powers through the pain.

Markus and Averiela engage the other Shadow. He squirms away, and Tetsel strikes from hiding, stabbing Averiela. She’s despairs of fighting back.

On board the Luna Penumbra, Dryden orders Ol’ Jardiner back to the gunner’s position. Will brings the ship low over the battlefield and Markus grabs a rope and climbs aboard. Luna Penumbra’s engine wash hits the Undead Dragon, so it turns to attack the ship. Edna takes the opportunity to strike with her walking stick. She hits the Undead Dragon and the Shadow nearby.

The Luna Penumbra flies towards Sparky and his Dwarven Gunners, hugging the ground. Markus jumps out and rolls, ready to distract the whole group of Gunners. BA-BAM! The gunners shoot Markus and the ship as soon as they are in range. Markus jumps up and runs screaming at the gunners, throwing them in to confusion. Ol’ Jardiner loads the ship’s last cannon shells and fires at the Dwarven Gunners. The blast kills most of the Dwarven Gunners, but Sparky charges through the smoke at Markus.  Markus runs between his legs as Sparky brings his huge mechanical arm down. Sparky has trouble keeping track of such a small target, but two Dwarven Gunners are still in fighting shape and shoot Markus and the Luna Penumbra’s cannon. Markus stumbles but keeps running at one of the gunner’s. He’s got that one pinned down, but the other gunner and Sparky are free to attack him.

Dryden: Will, you’re in command!

Dryden jumps out, flies down on his Flying Device, and strikes Markus’ Gunner with his Dwarven Hammer. That Gunner flees before the onslaught. The second Gunner shoots Dryden. Sparky takes a swing at Markus and he fails to block! Markus is Taken Out! He’s knocked flying and crawls away in the grass. Before he passes out, he applies his healing poultices. Dryden howls and dashes away into the woods.

With a tremendous boom, the Anti-Library Weapon fires! A streak of light flies over the horizon to the east.

Edna’s single-minded, but she’s not stupid. The Undead Dragon will keep getting up, but Tetsel is important. She turns her back on the Undead Dragon and threatens Tetsel and both Shadows with the incredible reach of her Ogre-sized walking stick. Averiela strikes down one Shadow with her titanium sword, and injures the second. The Undead Dragon claws Edna across the back, leaving another nasty Necrotic wound. Edna grabs Tetsel, pins his dagger hand with her thumb, and throws him into the Undead Dragon. It collapses again, and Tetsel is covered in sticky ectoplasm. Dryden appears, riding on a wolf, leading wolves and owls and all creatures that love the moon! Tetsel flees before the onslaught.

The members of the Fellowship who can still walk return to the Luna Penumbra. Dryden sends wolves to find Markus. On the ship, the Fellowship eats and recovers. After a while, Markus wakes up, healed by his poultices. The Fellowship looks down on the battlefield from their aerial base and re-think their strategy. Splitting up was not a good idea. Edna’s wounds won’t heal, and the regent of the Forgotten Lands was almost killed on his first adventure.

  • The Anti-Library Weapon fired towards the east, despite the Fellowship’s efforts to aim it to the south and disrupt its operation.
  • Thayer may be flying around somewhere, but his warriors are gone.
  • The Undead Dragon gets up again. Only one Shadow is left with it. Tetsel fled.
  • Sparky has only one Dwarven gunner, but is uninjured.
  • A new champion appears. Lady Elizabeth Eleanor Eadwynn (aka EEE or Triple E) arrived fashionably late surrounded by fans.
  • There’s a second Undead Dragon.

The Fellowship re-enters the battle more cautiously, and with a plan. Averiela camouflages everyone and they sneak up on Sparky and the last Dwarven Gunner. Edna hits Sparky’s head like a baseball and Averiela takes out the Dwarven Gunner with a silent arrow. That’s another group swiftly eliminated with no chance to react.

They figure out that the other Undead Dragon is one of Cassandra’s illusions. Dryden leads the animals in an attack that sends Cassandra fleeing towards EEE.  EEE and her fanboys turn back to engage the Fellowship. Dryden plants a bear trap while Cassandra’s back is turned. Averiela is still camouflaged, but everyone else has revealed themselves.

Markus: Wait, I know who you are! I heard you had a cool Unicorn Sword. Tell me about it!

If Markus had more skill than enthusiasm, he wouldn’t bring up the sword that she lost in a humiliating defeat. Still, EEE will take any opportunity to brag. She explains that her current sword is made from a Giant Mantis, not a Unicorn.  Edna runs at Edna, but the Hafling Braves move to defend their hero, threatening Markus and Edna. They form up like a rugby team to overcome Edna’s size advantage, but she kicks them. They go flying, and she sets about the rest with her fists. Most flee and only the most loyal ramain.

Averiela fires her last arrow from hiding, grievously wounding Cassandra. Cassandra staggers away, out of the fight.

Cassandra: I told you this would end badly, but no one ever listens!

Dryden: Triple E. I remember you used to have–oh, I took your Unicorn Sword. You had a shell, but I took that too.

Enraged, EEE rushes Dryden, bringing one Halfling Brace along. Edna picks up the other Halfling and throws him at his teammate. He lands safely, so now three people are rushing Dryden, who is standing right behind his bear trap.The first Brave triggers the trap and is immobilized. EEE steps past to attack Dryden. He pulls out his Prank Weapon: a mirage. It looks like the Turtle Shield that Dryden took from her in their last meeting.  He tosses it towards Edna. EEE turns to collect her prize, but the Halfling punches Dryden. Edna punches straight down, following through into the ground. EEE is dead instantly!

Markus bonks the trapped Halfling on the head, knocking him out. The last Brave retreats. That’s three groups eliminated since their break. The Fellowship pauses for a snack to recharge. The Undead Dragon is almost to the Hidden Library, and the Anti-Library Weapon is still moving.

They decide to disable the Anti-Library Weapon. Edna gathers almost everyone into her apron and runs to the mountain, giving the Undead Dragon a wide berth. Averiela runs alongside. They run up the slope of the mountain instead of going into the machinery inside. As they approach the slot cut through the mountain that allows the weapon’s barrel to turn, Baess pokes her head out.

Baess: Did you ever play Spike Ball when you were a kid?

She throws something down at the Fellowship. It’s Ranged, Dangerous, and Piercing. Drdyen stands up in his apron pocket and swings at the Spike Ball with his Dwarven Hammer. The Spike Ball explodes on impact, showering everyone with spikes! At the rim of the slot, a team of Oxen are hitched to the Anti-Library Weapon’s barrel. Two Mummies and Baess are ready to defend the machine.

Dryden: Go the opposite direction that you were just told!

The oxen turn around, disrupting the aiming process. Markus runs at a mummy, distracting it while Edna runs up and thrust-kicks it down into the mountain. The other mummy reaches its powerful hands to grab Dryden. Averiela attempts to intervene, but the mummy that Edna kicked didn’t really fall. It grabs Averiela and tosses her tumbling down the mountain slope. Dryden parkours past both mummies and cuts the oxen lose. Dryden mounts one of the oxen and rides it into battle!

Baess prepares another Spike Ball.

Edna: Look, Dryden’s freed your oxen. You’ve barely got any Mummies left. This Anti-Library Weapon, it’s no good. You should give up.

Baess is frustrated and spikes the Spike Ball, showering everyone with spikes again. The oxen are furious with pain and want to stomp her into a puddle. Dryden leads them in a stampede. Her fluid body withstands the assault much better than someone solid.  Baess throws another Spike Ball over her shoulder as she runs away. Edna jumps up and hits it like a volleyball, sending it back to explode on Baess and take her out.

Markus engages the final Mummy, which can’t get a good hold on him to throw him aside. Averiela climbs back up and sees poor Markus flailing around. She draws her titanium sword attempts to stab the Mummy. The Mummy lunges, evading Averiela and grabbing Markus. It throws him down the slope.  Most of the oxen are tired, but Dryden rides the lead Ox to gore the Mummy. A bandage is caught on the bull’s horn, so the Mummy spins and unravels as it flies through the air! There’s almost nothing left to hit the ground.

The Anti-Library Weapon is definitely incapacitated. Edna gets her lunchbox out, but puts it away again. If they rest now, the few surviving invaders will reach the Hidden Library! There’s almost no time left. The Halfing Brave and Thayer are much less of a threat than the Undead Dragon, but they can’t keep the Undead Dragon down.

Dryden expected the Luna Penumbra to follow them, but it’s back where they left it. They walk back to the ship. Edna asks if Averiela wants to ride in her apron, and Averiela agrees. That’s the only way up to the ship.

GM note: two moves left!

When Edna leaps aboard, Ssikila slithers up in a panic.

Ssikila: He got Will! He got Will! They’re locked in the cabin!

The Shadow that the Fellowship didn’t take out infiltrated the ship, but the Fellowship will deal with that in a moment. They re-assign the remaining crew, take their posts, and pursue Thayer. Averiela pushes the engines to their limits, giving the Luna Penumbra enough speed to ram him! He is killed on impact.

GM note: 3 moves left!

The Undead Dragon looks up and blasts Necrofire into the sky.  Ssikila (the pilot) pulls the ship into a steep turn and evades the Necrofire. They float out of range.

GM note: 2 moves left!

Dryden will breach the Captain’s Cabin with the help of his magical collection. He sets an explosive trap on the door and stands back.  The door explodes, revealing the Shadow holding Will at knife-point. Dryden throws a Necrotic dagger that goes right past Will and hits the Shadow. The poisoned blade disables the Shadow and he slumps to the floor. Dryden forms a bond with Will.

GM note: 2 moves left!

Now the only invaders left are the terrifying unkillable Undead Dragon, and a Halfling rugby player who is defending it.  Averiela and Markus discuss how to share arrows and snipe as a team from a safe distance, but Edna leaps out of the ship and elbow-drops the Halfing Brave with the force of a car crash.

GM note: 1 move left!

The Dragon spins around to retaliate. Dryden swoops in on his Flying Device to defend Edna, and the Undead Dragon thinks better of attacking and leaves.

GM note: The Fellowship ran out of time, but only the Undead Dragon got past them.


  • Did we thoroughly explore a new location? NO
  • Did we learn something new about the world and its people?
    • the plot to invade the Hidden Library
    • the Undead Dragon
    • YES
  • Did anyone find what they were seeking?
    • Edna: a worthy opponent
    • Markus: adventure
    • Dryden: Keep dangerous things away from
      those who would abuse them.
    • YES

Two boons: restore gear, heal

The Fellowship shares food to get everyone mostly healthy.  Markus donates his healing boon to Edna, so she can heal both her necrotic wounds.


Markus: Well, we almost got them all but that dragon was too much. Someone should go fully destroy all the weaponry so it can’t be rebuilt

Dryden: Many foes fell dead. Beware vampires that flee! Undead dragons need a head.

Edna: I have killed a dragon three times, but Zweiharn can’t rest. Dig up his skull by the Hidden Library.

Averiela: Objective only partially complete. Weapon destroyed. Headless Undead Dragon, made of slime, still moves on library. Good luck, fearless warriors.