Chasing the Sunset & the ultimate test

Chasing the Sunset is a West Marches-style exploration game using Fellowship 2nd Edition‘s Horizon rules.

The fellowship: Dryden of Conwall the Collector/Hunter, Averiela the Elf/Elven Elite, Markus the Squire, Ol’ Jardiner the Harbinger

Last time the Fellowship opened a portal to the Moon! They found a curse that prevented the Moon for performing its intended function of killing all Vampires and used a complicated and dangerous ritual to reverse it. Mostly. They’re pretty sure. This time, they wait for the full moon to test the Moon’s new powers.

The full moon is a few days away, so the Fellowship has a little time before the effects of their ritual are revealed. Dryden wonders if they should go to a place with Werewolves or a place with Vampires. Ol’ Jardiner says that he found the Vampire Lord that sent an army against the Hidden Library from the west. Ol’ Jardiner explains the route to the castle in the Dead Forest. Dryden thinks that sounds like a great adventure! Averiela wonders why the Vampire Lord sent the army, but Ol’ Jardiner didn’t ask. He was focused on not becoming the Vampire Lord’s employee. He saw claw marks and burns that matched the Undead Dragon that attacked the Hidden Library.

The Luna Penumbra flies west towards Von Till’s castle. Averiela wants to arrive before the full moon to question Von Till before the Moon kills him, but not so early that he has time to kill them.

Markus: What if the ritual didn’t work?

Ol’ Jardiner: Oh come on!

Averiela: What if there’s a greater evil threatening our society.

Ol’ Jardiner: If it’s another Vampire, they’ll die too.

Averiela: What if it’s not a Vampire?

Ol’ Jardiner: I was hoping to blame all the evil in the world on one thing, but I guess that’s not true.

Along the way, Ol’ Jardiner watches the Moon carefully. Averiela hated being on the Moon, but she doesn’t mind looking at the Moon from here. A tiny filament connects the Moon to the ground. Near dawn, the light from the Moon shifts slightly.  Ol’ Jardiner pulls out bits of metal and glass and assembles them into a spyglass. He puts in magical eyedrops and flips his glasses over for distance mode.

  • Tell me about the filament. What is it doing? What will it do next?
    • The filament is a pathway between the planet and the Moon. Someone else is going to the Moon, using a different method than the Fellowship did. It’s bridge, so if the travelers want to return, they need to keep it stable as long as they stay on the Moon.
  • Tell me about the travelers. How could they hurt or help me?
    • They have similar purposes to the Fellowship because they have also changed the light of the Moon. They did not undo the Fellowship’s. They changed it to a third type of light.
  • What will happen if I follow the end of the filament to its source?
    • The filament meets the ground almost directly ahead, but past Von Till’s castle.

If the Fellowship decides to pass Von Till and investigate the filament, Averiela will stay behind.

GM note: They see evidence of another group of players. It’s fun to see that other people are in the world making changes, but the Luna Penumbra can’t fly over and greet the Miranda because in real life, the two groups of players are separate. We players need to inject some reason into the fiction for their characters not to look too closely at this obviously important and interesting thing.

Ol’ Jardiner: We don’t need that bridge! We have Infinite Windows!

The Fellowship decides to continue with their original plan to arrive at Von Till’s castle at sunset. Ol’ Jardiner warns that Von Till is so depressed that negative energy flows out of him and is actually painful within the castle grounds. Averiela wonders if they need to do anything do him if he’s already so miserable.

Ol’ Jardiner wonders if it would be more dramatic to approach out of the setting sun, or with the rising Moon behind them. Dryden has a flair for the dramatic and wants to watch the Moon rise, so the Luna Penumbra comes in from the west, facing east. Von Till’s castle is run down, but has at least one working catapult.

As the Luna Penumbra flies over the Dead Forest, two figures leap gracefully from branch to branch, following it. Averiela uses her Elf-sight to examine the pursuers.

  • Tell me about the figures. How could they hurt or help me?
    • They are Von Till’s agents, patrolling and intercepting anything suspicious.
    • Laurence and Lander, he/him human Twin Dancers : This Pair moves in perfect harmony, fighting with synchronized movements and devastating combo attacks.
      • Duet: While this stat is undamaged, the Dancers are inseparable, they have the Piercing tag, and rolls to Finish Them are  made with Despair. When the Dancers take damage, damage this stat before damaging any others.
        • When this stat becomes damaged, separate them – they are now in two places at once.
        • Whenever they separate, damage this stat.
        • When the Dancers meet back up again, they heal this stat.
        • Each Dancer has one of these stats, but they have both while together:
      • En Point: This Dancer cannot be escaped. When you Get Away from them, they may separate from the duet to come with you. If they are not in duet, they can use this ability freely.
      • En Passant: This Dancer cannot be stalled. When someone Keeps Them Busy, they may separate from the duet to go do whatever they want anyway. If they are not in duet, they can use this ability freely.
  • Tell me about the Twin Dancers. What are they doing? What will they do next?
    • They are following us, looking for a tree tall enough to leap from the tree to the ship.
  • Is something hidden or out of place? If so, what looks suspicious?
    • The depth of the water covering the Dead Forest varies. Someone moving on foot could easily fall into a deep pool. Some pools are acidic and somewhat alive.
    • Acid Rain: A burning, acidic ooze that eats whatever it touches.
      • Acid Touch: Anyone touching or touched by acid rain takes damage. This acid burns through organic materials only, so metal and stone are safe.
      • Amorphous Slime: The acid rain can fit through gaps or any size, and walk right through grates or screens as if they were not there. They cannot be tied up or restrained, except by forcing them into a sealed container of stone, glass, or metal.

A tall tree in The Luna Penumbra’s path will give the Twin Dancers a way to board the ship. Markus prepares evasive maneuvers, but Ol’ Jardiner is itching to use the ship’s guns.

As the Twin Dancers leap into the tree’s branches, Ol’ Jardiner fires! The tree shatters into bits and the Twin Dancers go flying in opposite directions. Dryden is aghast. Those squirrels and owls are now homeless! Averiela leaps off the ship, skipping lightly on the debris to engage one of the Twin Dancers. They are both Elves. This one (Laurence) wields a rapier.

Laurence: Oh ho! It’s been a while since I matched blades with an Elf. This will be a fun diversion.

Averiela is very disappointed that an Elf is working with a Vampire and lets him know! They trade verbal barbs as much as physical blows. Markus turns the ship to follow Averiela, letting the second Twin Dancer (Lander) get out of sight.

Ol’ Jardiner: Great, you’ve brought me in range!

Ol’ Jardiner fires at Laurence and he falls! Averiela is disappointed that he didn’t fall into an acid pool. Laurence is still conscious and scolds Averiela for unsporting conduct. Lander runs in at top speed, scoops up Laurence, and runs towards the castle. He’s too fast for anyone to react! Averiela pursues on foot and the Luna Penumbra pursues above. Dryden fires the harpoon and snags Laurence. Lander draws his daggers and runs up the harpoon rope to counter-attack! Dryden spins his fast robotic bo-staff down the rope like a propeller. Lander jumps over it and the staff breaks the rope, freeing Laurence.

Lander usually has a witty insult for every situation, but he’s too angry now. He growls and rushes Dryden, who goes forward instead of retreating. Dryden grabs Lander’s hands and jumps overboard! They both fall and Dryden reaches behind his cloak to get his Flying Device.

On the ground, Averiela runs up to secure Laurence, but he’s too hurt to fight or run away. She looks up and sees Dryden falling with Lander. She calculates their trajectory and runs up the nearest tree.

Dryden commands his autonomous ranged rope to bind Lander to the tree. Dryden lets go and flies away on his Flying Device. Lander easily unties the rope and swings down to the tree in a controlled manner, right past Averiela. She jumps on his back, and right after they land, blows her magic sleeping powder in his face. Both twins have been captured!

Ol’ Jardiner: They can’t be Vampires because they were out in the sun. Chuck them in the hold and let’s get to the castle!

Dryden: I don’t think we should chuck them anywhere together. Not in the escape pods. Do we have a brig?

Dryden uses an immobilizing trap to secure them. He pours a fluid over them that flows over them, but sticks tight to any other surface it touches.

As the Luna Penumbra approaches Von Till’s castle, a heavy stone wrapped with flaming fabric flies past. The Fellowship is in range of a catapult on one of the towers. The first shot missed, but more missiles are incoming!

Markus rushes past the danger, piloting the ship forward inside the catapult’s minimum range. Dryden spurs the crew to support this aggressive action.

Dryden: Boost the engines! Pull the mast! Avast!

Markus isn’t testing the ship’s limits, so the crew don’t need to do anything extra. Now that the ship is above the castle, everyone is hit by Von Till’s aura of despair. Fortunately, the ship’s exosuits will protect anyone who leaves the ship. The Fellowship descend from the ship and land on the roof of the castle.  Various goons in Von Till’s employ rush out unto the outer walls and threaten the Fellowship with spears, arrows, and rocks. A sinister voice booms out from inside the castle.

Von Till: Who dares invade my castle?

  • Group of Horde Archers: A contingent of archers, sling throwers, javelineers, or fire-casters. The ammo they use is crude and ineffective, but there is a lot of it.
    • Covering Fire: Anyone being targeted by the Archers must pay a price to take any action. The archers can use this covering fire against a number of opponents equal to their group size: a single archer can lock down a single foe; a Group can cover two targets; a Gang can cover a zone; and an Army can lock down an entire location with their covering fire.
    • Group: This enemy can act against two people at once. When this enemy is destroyed, this stat is damaged, or this is their only stat left, replace the Group with two normal enemies.
  • Orc Commander: This skilled warlord grants precision to the Horde.
    • Flanking Command: All nearby Horde threats, including this one, have the Piercing tag added to their attacks, and are immune to the Piercing tag.

Ol’ Jardiner wonders which is worse: being on the ship and in despair, or in the exosuits and threatened by all these goons. Markus stalls until sunset (which isn’t long) by talking quickly and obnoxiously. As soon as the sun goes down, Von Till comes out to see the invaders.

  • Baron Von Till he/him Vampire Lord: A powerful aristocrat who drinks the blood of the weak. The Vampire Lord is Melee and Piercing, and they heal whenever they deal damage to a Blood stat. Sunlight and holy symbols deal damage to them.
    • Blood Frenzy: Your weakness is a vampire’s power. When your Blood is damaged, you are in Despair against the vampire lord.
    • Lord of the Night: Beasts and monsters will do as a vampire lord tells them to. Beast and Scourge threats cannot harm the vampire lord, and they always follow the vampire lord’s orders to the letter. The vampire lord can drink the blood of any Beast to heal. This kills the Beast.
    • Sunburns: When this stat has been damaged by sunlight or holy symbols, the vampire lord is filled with Despair and must try to flee the scene.

The full Moon rises and the light burns Von Till! He shrieks and flees into the castle, away from the reflected sunlight. The minions are confused, but their first instinct is violence, so they attack Markus and Ol’ Jardiner (who happens to be standing next to him)

Markus: Flee, or our power will do the same to you!

Markus stands his ground and every single missile misses him. He is completely unharmed. After three volleys, the goons are convinced that he’s invulnerable and they rout!

Ol’ Jardiner: Yes! I knew it would work! I am the world’s greatest wizard!

Averiela pursues Von Till into the castle, as Markus yells insults. Ol’ Jardiner is so confident that he also runs into the dark castle after the wounded Vampire Lord. He has enough caution left to ask Watson what they might find inside a castle, and where Von Till might hide. Watson jogs after them and points out architectural features.

Watson: This is the great hall, where the lord greets visitors and holds feasts. On one side are the storehouse and servant’s quarters. The lords’ chambers are on the other side, with the chamberlain and butler….

Von Till is probably fleeing to his chambers. Indeed, as the Fellowship charges towards his chambers, the halls crawl with the vermin of the castle, sent by Von Till to delay his pursuers. Spiders and rats emerge from cracks in the wall, under furniture, and behind rotten tapestries.

  • Tiny Swarm: A cluster of small enemies, each the size of your fist. Spiders, rats, beetles, zombie hands – whatever they are, they get all over the place and make your life much harder than it should be.
    • Climb All Over: The tiny swarm can crawl on top of its enemies, enveloping them in itself. Anyone enveloped is in Despair and cannot Get Away. The tiny swarm can climb on any surface and fit through small gaps.

Averiela yanks Ol’ Jardiner back into a storeroom, full of vases and amphorae from all voer the world. She casts Camouflage on them and tells Ol’ Jardiner to be absolutely quiet so they can track Von Till undetected.

Watson: (whispering) I’ll wait outside.

Ol’ Jardiner climbs on Averiela’s back and she gracefully runs and bounds down the hallway, dancing in between the vermin without touching any, so they don’t notice her passage.

Von Till is in his chamber looking through tomes to find out what has happened to him. Every so often he stops to listen for pursuit, then goes back to reading. Averiela finds a dark corner and draws her bow. She still wants information, so she wants to pin him to desk non-lethally. A non-lethal shot is trickier and will reveal her position. She decides that she can get information from his books. An arrow from out of nowhere strikes Von Till dead instantly! Averiela feels a little bad for the sneak attack, but he was a terrible person. Ol’ Jardiner takes off the exosuit’s helmet and takes a deep breath.

Ol’ Jardiner: Phew! That’s much better.

Von Till’s aura of despair died with him. The vermin, freed from his command, flee back to the shadows. The Moon shines brightly, reflecting on the endless water of the Dead Forest. It’s going to be a beautiful day. Ol’ Jardiner selects some tomes and brings them back to the ship to read.

Dryden: We should have our Kobold friend, Watson, read them all.

Averiela: Are they appropriate reading for Watson?

  • Tell me about the Undead Dragon.
    • GM note: Zweiharn’s fate was determined by a one-shot game I played with the young children of a friend I was visiting during a road trip.
    • Before the war between Vampires and Dragons, Zweiharn searched the Fairy Forest for luminous mushrooms that might simulate sunlight. The Fairies played pranks on him, but one fairy, Marigold, was also a Vampire and tried to kill him. A Goblin and Spider defended Zweiharn, and a Mermaid took the side of the Fairies. After a hard-fought battle, Zweiharn swallowed Marigold whole. The Mermaid jumped down Zweiharn’s throat after Marigold and literally snatched victory from the jaws of defeat! The Mermaid and Marigold killed Zweiharn. Zweiharn’s skull was hung over the river as a warning to the Vampire’s enemies.  Von Till took the rest of his body for horrible experiments, turning into an Undead Dragon and sending it out to destroy high-value targets.
    • It was only by sheer coincidence that the Fellowship buried Zweiharn’s skull near the Hidden Library. When Von Till sent the Undead Dragon to assault the Hidden Library, the very thing needed to lay Zweiharn to rest was right there.
  • Tell me about the Vampire’s surprise attack.
    • The Vampires spies learned about the Dragon’s purpose for building the Moon and launched a surprise attack. in their hubris, the Dragons never considered or planned for an ambush, so they were all killed. Most of their followers also died and became Remnants.
  • Tell me about secret passages in the castle?
    • A book of curses includes a map, including a secret trophy room.

GM note: A source of infinite quest items! Everything here there has a history.

Averiela find a bracelet that belonged to Theodore, a Elven scout who went out hundreds of years ago and never returned. His fire went out int the lanterns back home, so they knew he was dead, but not how. Averiela sheds a tear in his honor.

Dryden finds a hyper-locked container that takes him a long time to open. Inside, there’s a magical silver throwing star. It’s an anti-vampire weapon. Von Till couldn’t figure out how to destroy it, so he hid it away so it could not be used against him.

Ol’ Jardiner takes the book of curses. He pries a gem from Von Till’s throne to use as a focus for Infinite Windows. Dryden cuts off a corner of velvet from the throne.

Markus takes the Orc Commander’s ax, dropped during the rout. It’s too big for him.

Dryden greets the horses, birds, and lizards in the stables, hoping that some will come with him.

Dryden: How did this wall collapse? Perhaps another party came through.

Ol’ Jardiner: Yes, but we escaped without much of a fight. My one friend is fast and gave me a piggy-back ride and we ran out. My other friend is Rain, so they tried to grab her and she just wiggled into the well and left.

The Fellowship goes to the Acid Rains around the Dead Forest and tries to convince them to move into Von Till’s castle. Some of them are not completely awake and are overwhelmed as Ol’ Jardiner, Dryden and Markus talk a mile a minute, but they generally get the idea.


Averiela: This lord vampire meets his end
No longer fights this world’s mend
Let sun and moonlight shimmer bright
Chase the vampires in summer night.

Dryden: Jumping overboard impulsively leads to safe landings and captured foes.

Markus: The horde is cowardly and can’t shoot. I single-handedly routed them! Best day ever!!

Ol’ Jardiner: I am the greatest wizard on or off this planet! The Moon kills Vampires, as it should!